Broadcasting live and in public!

Last night Garth and I recorded another one of our Star Power Q&A livestreams.  We’ve done a number of these in the past months but they were, until now, exclusive to our Patreon supporters of a certain tier.  With their blessing, we decided to make our Q&As public!  Now anyone can watch Garth and I ramble, but our supporters at the old support tier retain the ability to submit questions for us to answer!  We didn’t have any questions submitted in November, so we talked about whatever we wanted.  We’ll be doing these monthly whether or not anyone submits questions to us.  But if you’d like to ask us whatever you like, month after month, consider supporting our Patreon campaign!  We’ll answer your questions live every month!

Here’s last night’s Q&A livestream.  We hope you enjoy it!

About Michael

Michael Terracciano loves comic books, superheroes, outer space, and telling stories. His friends call him "Mookie." He spent the last ten years as the author and artist of the fantasy webcomic, "Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire." He enjoys spending time with his wife and their three cats. His favorite planet is Jupiter because it's awesome. He wants having superpowers to be fun again, and for this to be a universe you want to escape to, not from. He hopes you enjoy reading Star Power.