May the fourth be with you.
Four years ago today I married my best friend and the love of my life. Happy fourth anniversary, Alyssa. I love you so much.
We celebrated our anniversary this morning by exchanging gifts. Pretty standard procedure for a married couple. What makes this blog-worthy is the level of thoughtfulness that went into each gift. Seriously, we almost outdid each other this morning. I’m going to take some space here to brag because I can.
Pictured above is Alyssa’s gift to me (left) and my gift to her (right). A fruits-and-veggies basket, and a stuffed animal. Nothing so special, you may say to yourself. WELL. I’ve been on a whole foods diet these past few months, and Alyssa went through my guidebook to pick out some of the ingredients, minus the bottles of wine. Those are indulgent treats. I, on the other hand, chose a stuffed animal bat because 1) my wife loves stuffed animals, 2) we got married in a Halloween-themed wedding, the spookiest of all holidays, and 3) it’s wearing a wedding dress to celebrate the fourth anniversary of our marriage. So yeah. I’m bragging for the both of us today.
Side note: Garth was at our wedding! He was dressed as a barbarian.