Big stretch!
When a Kickstarter launches we talk about it. A lot. In continuing with that tradition, here’s another blog post dedicated to our already-amazingly-successful Kickstarter to make a book of STAR POWER & THE SEARCH FOR BLACK HOLE BILL!
The book was funded a day and a half after the Kickstarter launched, and for that we are very grateful. But the campaign has a month to go and we want to give you the fanciest book possible, full of extras like lore and developmental art. Here are the stretch goals we’re hoping to achieve:
As you can see, we have some grand plans for Volume 2, including a new website for smoother reading and a mystery goal at the very stretchiest! (I know what the mystery goal is, and trust me that it’s freaking awesome.) We want to make this book monumentally awesome, but we can’t do it without your help!