Regarding Patreon.
Earlier this month Patreon made an announcement that they were changing the way they were handling their service fees. Traditionally it had been we, the creators, to pay Patreon’s fees out of our patronage totals, which is a fair way to pay for the services provided. In a strange move, Patreon announced they were shifting those fees from the creators to the patrons, effectively meaning that patrons would be charged an extra amount on top of what they had already pledged. Many people, creators and patrons alike, thought it was a poor idea and expressed their displeasure by either canceling their pledges to creators or leaving Patreon altogether. Despite our displeasure with the decision and losing a number of patrons ourselves, Garth and I decided to sit back and watch what would happen in the wake of this negative backlash.
It appears our decision to wait was wise, because Patreon not only reversed their decision to change the service fee charges, but issued a formal apology.
There was damage already done to many creators, who were upset that they lost dozens or even hundreds of patrons over a decision that was never implemented. Some people lost their faith and trust in Patreon altogether. I can’t speak for Garth, but while I was upset by the initial decision, I’m glad they not only listened to the feedback and reversed it, but issued a sincere sounding apology. And for that, I believe we’ll be sticking with Patreon.
I’m big on the concept of forgiveness. I’m not one to wholly abandon someone or something over a mistake if they seem to be genuinely sorry for the damage done. I believe in second chances. Many characters I write are those looking to atone for their mistakes and in need of second chances. Forgiveness isn’t easy, but it’s worth pursuing.
We lost more than a few patrons in the wake of this announcement, but the majority of you stuck with us and we want to thank you for your continued support. Patreon has become a cornerstone of our income, and it is because of your continued generosity and faith in us that we’re able to produce updates at the frequency and quality you’ve come to expect from us. Things would be much different around here without your support, and we are very grateful to those patrons who stuck by us and weathered this storm. We hope Patreon learned something from this, and we hope to continue providing incentives that will make you want to continue supporting us.
That being said, our Patreon campaign is still going strong and we hope you will consider pledging to us!